Veronika Burian
The multi-award winning type designer Veronika Burian originally studied industrial design in Munich and then worked as a product designer in Vienna and Milan. Discovering her true passion for type, she graduated with distinction from the MA in Typeface Design at the University of Reading, UK, in 2003. After a few years as a typeface designer at DaltonMaag in London, she founded TypeTogether together with José Scaglione, today with twelve employees working around the world, one of the most important, independent type foundries. In addition to the development of tailored solutions for a variety of clients, the focus of TypeTogether’s font catalog is on expressive text typefaces for digital and analog media. Furthermore, TypeTogether supports young people with a Typeface Publishing Program under the name of their mentor and friend »Gerard Unger Scholarship«. As a founding member of the typography platform alphabettes.org by and for women, she is particularly involved in the mentoring program and for the GRANSHAN project for non-Latin fonts and typography, which is unique in the world, she engages in communication and sponsorship. Veronika teaches as a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and Design NTNU (Gjøvik, Norway) and gives lectures and leads workshops at conferences and at universities around the world. Photo: ©NormanPosselt